September Meeting

our meeting placeSeptember 16 is our monthly meeting.  As always, if you’re looking for all things liberty related in New Hampshire check out this calendar.

We will get an update on the Lakes Region Porcupines Toy Drive .

Remember that Shire Sharing is also planning for their annual Thanksgiving meal donations.

Sept2017JuryBelknapWe continue to keep jurors well informed of their rights here in Belknap County.

November Meeting

our meeting placeNovember 19 is our monthly meeting.  As always, if you’re looking for all things liberty related in New Hampshire check out this calendar.

We will get an update on the Lakes Region Porcupines Toy Drive .

Remember that Shire Sharing is also busy this weekend assembling and delivering Thanksgiving dinners around the state.


It’s always beautiful in the lakes region but fall is rather colorful. It seems like you can get a calendar shot from anywhere you go in the area these days. These pictures are from Wolfeboro on October 26 shot with a simple ‘point and shoot’ camera.

Our November meeting will be on the 21st.

We will be assisting Shire Sharing to deliver Thanksgiving meals on Sunday the 22nd. Send them a donation if you can or join us to help with deliveries.

Lastly, a note for those who want to stay in touch without Facebooking, we have a group on Yahoo for e-mail communications: