It’s coming! Liberty Forum will be here soon, March 5-8, 2015. Liberty Forum is one of two annual events hosted by the Free State Project, the second is PorcFest held in June.
This year Liberty Forum moves to Manchester from its previous venue in Nashua, the event has outgrown the Crowne Plaza. The convention draws people from around the country, and beyond, to get a taste of the spirit of liberty that is sparked by the Free State Project.
As Liberty Forum has expanded and people take advantage of the opportunity to visit New Hampshire organizers have incorporated a tour to various areas of the ‘Live Free or Die’ state. The Lakes Region Porcupines will host our leg of the tour on Monday, March 2, 1:00, at a most unique and interesting venue, Funspot!
You don’t need a ticket to Liberty Forum to take part in the tour stops. Join us to see how liberty is growing in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire.