Future Monthly Meet-ups

Guess who?

(Who peeked?)

Alrighty, while there were some bumps in the road for our foray at Ellacoya Barn & Grill (e.g., not enough space for us and it looks like Glen & Tony left), I thought that it had potential.

Well, it doesn’t.

The manager, Michele, checked with the owner. He is unwilling to make reservations without real numbers every time.

I was unable to find another place who would let us wing it.

It seems unfair to keeping switching month to month.

I got negative comments about the cost of the food at Patrick’s

So, with the power vested in me by my cat (he swears that it’s legit), we will be moving back to [loud] Shooter’s in Belmont.

Hopefully, the ability for people to come and go as they please will outweigh the negatives (e.g., the noise).

Next meet-up will be Saturday, December 17th at noon.

In liberty,
