February 2025 Meet-up

Where is my ’embarrassed’ emoji? 😳

I’ve been away for a while so I have to assume there will be a gathering this Saturday, Feb. 15th for lunch at El Tequila in Gilford.

The last I knew, at noon there will be a gathering in the front left (as you walk in) dining area.

El Tequila
1458 Lake Shore Rd Suite 5
Gilford, NH 03249
(603) 712-5169

November meet-up location

Hello again Porcupines,

While I have received only a few replies, including yea and nay for Ellacoya Barn & Grill, 2667 Lake Shore Road, Gilford, we going to try it this month.

Saturday, November 19, 2022 from 12:00 – 1:30-ish. My understanding is that we’ll be upstairs to have our own space.

If you attend, please give me some feedback.

If anyone has another suggestion, let me know.

If the majority wants to go back to Shooter’s we can do that.

If there is enough of a split, we can alternate. Shooter’s is just open. We would need to reserve Ellacoya.

Hope to see folks this Saturday.


February Meeting

Room to left of enterance Saturday, Febrary 19th is our monthly meeting. It will be in Belmont at Shooter’s at noon.  We tend to gather in the room on the left. Stop by for lunch with your liberty loving neighbors.  Our meetings are very casual and all those who share the ideals of freedom and personal responsibility are welcome.


If you’re looking for a lot more liberty connections in New Hampshire check out this calendar at the Free State Project.


Have you bailed out of Facebook?  You can stay in touch here; subscribe to our RSS feed and you’ll get updates as they happen.  We also have a group on MEWE (you need to be logged in).  Do you have an alternative social media site that we should check out? Of course, commenting here is the most direct!


October Meeting

Room to left of enterance Saturday, October 16th is our monthly meeting. It will be in Belmont at Shooter’s at noon.  We tend to gather in the room on the left. Stop by for lunch with your liberty loving neighbors.  Our meetings are very casual and all those who share the ideals of freedom and personal responsibility are welcome.


If you’re looking for a lot more liberty connections in New Hampshire check out this calendar at the Free State Project.


Have you bailed out of Facebook?  You can stay in touch here; subscribe to our RSS feed and you’ll get updates as they happen.  We also have a group on MEWE (you need to be logged in).  Do you have an alternative social media site that we should check out? Of course, commenting here is the most direct!


September Meeting

Room to left of enterance Saturday, September 18th is our monthly meeting. It will be in Belmont at Shooter’s at noon.  We tend to gather in the room on the left. Stop by for lunch with your liberty loving neighbors.  Our meetings are very casual and all those who share the ideals of freedom and personal responsibility are welcome.


If you’re looking for a lot more liberty connections in New Hampshire check out this calendar at the Free State Project.


Have you bailed out of Facebook?  You can stay in touch here; subscribe to our RSS feed and you’ll get updates as they happen.  We also have a group on MEWE (you need to be logged in).  Do you have an alternative social media site that we should check out? Of course, commenting here is the most direct!


August Meeting

Room to left of enterance Saturday, August 21st is our monthly meeting. It will be in Belmont at Shooter’s at noon.  We tend to gather in the room on the left. Stop by for lunch with your liberty loving neighbors.  Our meetings are very casual and all those who share the ideals of freedom and personal responsibility are welcome.


If you’re looking for a lot more liberty connections in New Hampshire check out this calendar at the Free State Project.


Have you bailed out of Facebook?  You can stay in touch here; subscribe to our RSS feed and you’ll get updates as they happen.  We also have a group on MEWE (you need to be logged in).  Do you have an alternative social media site that we should check out? Of course, commenting here is the most direct!


July Meeting

Room to left of enteranceStart your engines and head to Belmont, if you travel RT106 remember it is race weekend. Saturday, July 17th is our monthly meeting. It will be in Belmont at Shooter’s at noon.  We tend to gather in the room on the left. Stop by for lunch with your liberty loving neighbors.  Our meetings are very casual and all those who share the ideals of freedom and personal responsibility are welcome.

New Mover

For those who may be available we are welcoming a new mover to Ossipee on Monday the 21st. Just ask if you want the details.


If you’re looking for a lot more liberty connections in New Hampshire check out this calendar at the Free State Project.


Have you bailed out of Facebook?  You can stay in touch here; subscribe to our RSS feed and you’ll get updates as they happen.  We also have a group on MEWE (you need to be logged in).  Do you have an alternative social media site that we should check out? Of course, commenting here is the most direct!


June Meeting

Room to left of enteranceIt’s just a little early for PorcFest, and Bike Week is blasting by. Saturday, June 19th is our monthly meeting. It will be in Belmont at Shooter’s at noon.  We tend to gather in the room on the left. Stop by for lunch with your liberty loving neighbors.  Our meetings are very casual and all those who share the ideals of freedom and personal responsibility are welcome.


If you’re looking for a lot more liberty connections in New Hampshire check out this calendar at the Free State Project.  You’ll notice a new regular addition scheduled for the forth Saturday of the month at Funspot running from 12-2 pm.


Have you bailed out of Facebook?  You can stay in touch here; subscribe to our RSS feed and you’ll get updates as they happen.  We also have a group on MEWE (you need to be logged in).  Do you have an alternative social media site that we should check out? Of course, commenting here is the most direct!


May Meeting

Room to left of enteranceDon’t blink, May starts on a Saturday, the 1st, so the third Saturday will be the 15th. Our monthly meeting will be in Belmont at Shooter’s at noon.  We tend to gather in the room on the left. Stop by for lunch with your liberty loving neighbors.  Our meetings are very casual and all those who share the ideals of freedom and personal responsibility are welcome.

Spring Cleaning

We’ve already done our first litter pick-up of the year. Watch the weather because someone might call an audible any time to get out for round two.


If you’re looking for a lot more liberty connections in New Hampshire check out this calendar at the Free State Project.  You’ll notice a new regular addition scheduled for the forth Saturday of the month at Funspot running from 12-2 pm.


Have you bailed out of Facebook?  You can stay in touch here; subscribe to our RSS feed and you’ll get updates as they happen.  We also have a group on MEWE (you need to be logged in).  Do you have an alternative social media site that we should check out? Of course, commenting here is the most direct!


March Meeting and Litter Pick-up

Room to left of enteranceMarch 20th is our monthly meeting.   We meet in Belmont at Shooter’s at noon.  We tend to gather in the room on the left. Stop by for lunch with your liberty loving neighbors.  Our meetings are very casual and all those who share the ideals of freedom and personal responsibility are welcome.

Spring Cleaning

Sunday the 21st we’ll do our first litter pick-up of the year. We’ll meet at Shooter’s at 9:00 am and hit the road from there. If you want to start the day with a little breakfast, some early-birds will be meeting down the road in Laconia at Cafe Deja Vu at 8:00. The weather looks great so get out in the sun and pump up your vitamin D.


If you’re looking for a lot more liberty connections in New Hampshire check out this calendar at the Free State Project.


Have you bailed out of Facebook?  You can stay in touch here; subscribe to our RSS feed and you’ll get updates as they happen.  We also have a group on MEWE (you need to be logged in).  Do you have an alternative social media site that we should check out? Of course, commenting here is the most direct!

Trade with privacy

Bitcoin BCH can be found at most of our meetings. Trade locally, join Local Bitcoin.